The Walrus, the Guppy Fish & the Dragon: Just Good Business

And now comes the end of the “Just Good Business” arc.

Holy hell and a half. The entire arc feels like it went to all major humongous places beyond business, didn’t it?!

I think you folks might recognize that term “Just Good Business” – I totally ganked it from Pirates of the Carribbean movie.
Let’s just say that the entire arc’s original idea was… completely different from had happened here.

As I kept drawing the pages, weird ideas and hyperboles got thrown in by the characters.
I did not expect that our heroes and the mermaids would somehow joined forces for a collaborative show.
I did NOT expect Dragon, of all characters, to somehow befriend Uu’ia.
I did NOT EXPECT Uu’ia to reciprocate this kind of friendship, much less get a redemption of sorts!

This was supposed to be an arc where our heroes would compete with the mermaids to have the best, profitable show!
Oh well. I guess this current arc is a lot less boring than the original idea.

The most satisfying part that I did achieve in this comic was the emancipation of Ming Yu.
She was just someone stuck in a rat race of sorts, living from one paycheck to another. Despite complicated family issues, she managed to pursue what she wanted to do, and she achieved her own freedom with her own means. All she needed was a change of perspective.

The next Walrus comic will return 10 July. Next up, interludes! Until I figure out the next arc to start with.

Again, thank you, dear reader, for still reading this. I hope that you will continue to stick around for more adventures.

‘Til next time!


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