Heroes Never Die: Chapter 1 – The Road Taken

THIS. PAGE. Took a while. *flops*
I will say this, Clip Studio Paint’s quick Fill tool is a real lifesaver here. I would have tore my head off if that feature didn’t exist. While it was a little daunting to get this page done, I must admit that drawing the details on the shophouses have been… therapeutic.
I referred to Papan Town in Perak, Malaysia, for this. In fact, I was referring to this Google Map link:  https://www.google.com.my/maps/@4.5146344,101.0121313,3a,75y,108.92h,89.51t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sYxh0Mr4nu2YWrcmC950F7Q!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en&authuser=0
Also, so much appreciation to the Ipoh Talk website for the beautiful photos of small towns. Here’s one of the many photos they’ve got (and that I used for reference): 
Man, Papan Town. I’ve got conflicting feelings for this town. 
It used to be a prosperous mining town, historically famous because of Sybil Karthigesu – she lived in that town during the Japanese Occupation (World War 2 era), and supported the resistance. My late grandpa Ho Thean Fook, who was one of the resistance fighters, approached her for medical assistance. He survived that ordeal, and lived to a ripe old age of 85.
He tried to bring more light to Papan Town, that it’s full of history and deserves to be preserved. Seeing in Google Map now, that little town about to be taken over by nature…. Well, nature is always a beauty, though it’s bittersweet to see that town almost deserted. I guess it’s a good thing my grandpa’s not around to see it in its current state.
For the curious, Ho Thean Fook wrote a novel “Tainted Glory” about his experience as a resistance fighter. He also wrote a fictional/partly biographical novel “God of the Earth”, about his own grandfather’s new life in Papan Town. 

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